New dance & performance

Work-In-Progress: Sandra Lolax ja Stav Yeini

Kutomon syyskauden 2015 käynnistävät tanssi- ja esitystaiteilijat Sandra Lolax (FI/SE) ja Stav Yeini (IL) work-in-progress -esityksellään Turun Taiteiden Yönä. Tekijöiden lähtökohtana on kiinnostus löytää esittämisen ja jakamisen muotoja sisällöille, jotka eivät palaudu perinteiseen teosajatteluun. Kutomolla Lolax ja Yeini avaavat mm. healingistä ammentavaa praktiikkaansa esityksessä, jossa liikutaan henkisen harjoituksen ja representaation välimaastossa.

“24.4.2015 I went to the forest. Here it is. It’s both more gentle and more cruel than I imagined, although I was here yesterday, I already forgot. The forest doesn’t care, but doesn’t mind either. I will adjust. What is the thing to do in here? I stand up. And I do some spontaneous movements that feel right, I raise my chest and face to the sky and inhale sunlight and wind. After a while doing these things that feel right, I am the forest too. I’m perfect here. I am as rooted as any tree. If the forest was a room I couldn’t tell where I was in the room, all directions look more or less the same and it doesn’t matter.

I am the representation of the one who came to the forest for a little break, to connect with nature or something. Someone who sees my movements would easily note that they look a little like yoga or some kind of meditative ritual.

I am a cliché. I am so real.”

Suomenruotsalainen tanssitaiteilija Sandra Lolax on työskennellyt koreografian ja liikepraktiikkojen parissa vuodesta 2007 lähtien. Lolaxin taiteellinen kiinnostus pyrkii laajentamaan hänen ymmärrystään kehon mahdollisuuksista ja siitä, minkälainen ”hyvä” tai terve keho on. Sooloteokset And I’m ready for action (2011) ja Action (2013) pohtivat kehollisuutta näistä näkökulmista. Koreografisen työnsä lisäksi Lolax on toiminut tanssijana mm. Maya M. Carrollin, Rebecka Stillmanin, Litó Walkeyn, Anne-Mareike Hessin, Deborah Hayn ja Miriam Horwitzin teoksissa. Vuoden 2015 aikana hän on esiintynyt Mårten Spångbergin teoksissa The Internet ja La Substance, but in English.

Brysselissä asuva, israelilaissyntyinen Stav Yeini on esiintyjä ja koreografi, joka työskentelee moninaisissa projekteissa ja työryhmissä tanssi- ja esitystaiteen aloilla. Vuonna 2010 P.A.R.T.S.:ista valmistunut taiteilija on ollut mukana mm. Busy Rocks -kollektiivin teoksissa sekä perustamassa Inter Local Atelier / Sundays for everyone -kollektiivia. Tanssijana Yeini on toiminut esimerkiksi Lance Griesin, Georgia Vardaroun, Uri Tukenichin ja Maayan Danochin teoksissa. Vuoden 2015 aikana Yeini työstää performative spaces -projektiaan residensseissä Belgiassa.

Konsepti ja esitys: Sandra Lolax, Stav Yeini
Tuotanto: Ehkä-tuotanto, Sandra Lolax ja Stav Yeini

Esitys Kutomolla torstaina, Turun Taiteiden Yönä 13.8.2015 klo 19
Vapaa pääsy!

Nykytaidetila Kutomo
Kalastajankatu 1 B
20100 Turku

Bussit 4, 40 Kauppatori-Amiraalistonkatu, päätepysäkki tai bussi 1 Kauppatori-Satama, Veistämöntorin pysäkki


Work-In-Progress: Sandra Lolax and Stav Yeini

Dance and performance artists Sandra Lolax (FI/SE) and Stav Yeini (IL) open Kutomo’s autumn season 2015 with their work-in-progress performance. Their process departs from the makers’ interest in finding ways of performing and sharing content which is not in the first place designed to be looked at. At Kutomo Lolax and Yeini open their practice drawing for example from healing. The performance or event moves between being a spiritual practice and being a representation of the same.

“24.4.2015 I went to the forest. Here it is. It’s both more gentle and more cruel than I imagined, although I was here yesterday, I already forgot. The forest doesn’t care, but doesn’t mind either. I will adjust. What is the thing to do in here? I stand up. And I do some spontaneous movements that feel right, I raise my chest and face to the sky and inhale sunlight and wind. After a while doing these things that feel right, I am the forest too. I’m perfect here. I am as rooted as any tree. If the forest was a room I couldn’t tell where I was in the room, all directions look more or less the same and it doesn’t matter.

I am the representation of the one who came to the forest for a little break, to connect with nature or something. Someone who sees my movements would easily note that they look a little like yoga or some kind of meditative ritual.

I am a cliché. I am so real.”

Finnish-Swedish dance artist Sandra Lolax has worked with choreography and movement practices, alone and with others, since 2007. Her artistic work revolves around bodily matters, with an interest in expanding her understanding of what a body could do, and what a “good” or healthy body is. The solos And I’m ready for action (2011) and Action (2013) are examples of those interests. Apart from her own choreographies Lolax has worked as a dancer with artists such as Maya M. Carroll, Rebecka Stillman, Litó Walkey, Anne-Mareike Hess, Deborah Hay and Miriam Horwitz. During 2015 she has performed the works The Internet and La Substance, but in English by Mårten Spångberg.

Stav Yeini is an Israeli performer and choreographer currently based in Brussels. Since she graduated from P.A.R.T.S. in 2010 she has been involved in various projects and collaborations in the field of dance and performance, for example in the projects of Busy Rocks collective and Inter Local Atelier / Sundays for everyone collective as its co-founder and member. As a dancer Yeini has worked with choreographers such as Lance Gries, Georgia Vardarou, Uri Tukenich and Maayan Danochi. During the year 2015 she is working on her research process ‘performative spaces’ in residencies in Belgium.

Concept and performance: Sandra Lolax, Stav Yeini
Production: Ehkä-production, Sandra Lolax and Stav Yeini

Performance at Kutomo on Thursday, Turku Night of the Arts 13 August 2015 at 7 pm
Free entry!

Contemporary art space Kutomo
Kalastajankatu 1 B
20100 Turku

Busses 4, 40 Kauppatori-Amiraalistonkatu, last station or bus 1 Kauppatori-Satama, Veistämöntori station